Betty Brussel Shoemakers

If you decide on a business and you literally love the idea of being in it, there is an excellent chance that you WILL find a way to be different. You will tend to work hard enough so one day, your business will tell you the secrets you need to know that will set you apart from the crowd.

Foto Saya
Lokasi: Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Betty Brussel Shoemakers is a Home Industry in Leather Shoemaking.

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2007

“I want to be in business for myself. I have lots of good ideas. How do I know which idea fit turn into a business?"

1. Choose something that you love to do.
Find something that you love to do, and you will doing it without regard for money. Trust me, if you dig in and do well, the money will come. However, if money is your primary motivation you have two strikes against you before you start. If money is the driver you will tend to make short-sighted decisions. People who work just for the money tend not to work as hard as those who love what they do.

2. Don’t let crowded markets frighten you.
I’ve heard people say that “I love this idea, but this particular business is already crowded.” In response to that I say “there is always room in any industry or business for someone who truly makes a difference.” And I can tell you that someone who loves what they are doing often makes a wonderful difference. People who make a difference tend to stand out from the crowd – and they are the ones who survive shakeouts.

3. When you love something…
“When you love something, it tells you all its secrets.” There is so much truth to this statement. It’s the accumulation and use of all those big and little secrets that separate the great companies from all the also-rans. People who are in it just for the money never learn any of the secrets.

4. The love needs to be there.
If you decide on a business and you literally love the idea of being in it, there is an excellent chance that you WILL find a way to be different. You will tend to work hard enough so one day, your business will tell you the secrets you need to know that will set you apart from the crowd.

5. So there you have it. Do what you love doing. It’s that simple. There’s also one more reason why you should do what you love. Life’s short. Why spend your time at something that isn’t fun?

6. It’s all about enjoying what you do.
Remember wisemen's saying: “We’re not here for a long time. We’re here for a good time.”
